Why You Feel Uncomfortable When Trying Something New

Everything is in perpetual motion, from when were sleeping to the moment we wake up, the world is constantly changing, evolving forward, the clock is ticking onward. What’s more important is we’re also evolving as humans, hopefully for the better.

What we feel is the culmination of these changes. Some good, while the majority aren’t that great and becomes uncomfortable.

What change involves is a drastic shift in emotions, and not all of them are always good while in transition.

Once we set forth to achieve our goals, doing so can excavate a variety of feelings. Some aren’t necessarily that pleasant, which doesn’t mean you should stop.

What most will do however once going through these negative emotions, is they’ll interpret them as signs they should stop, resulting in procrastination.

Realize change is difficult, and experiencing bad emotions means you’re on the right track and doing the right thing.

Difficulty To Focus

What executing any major life change does, is requires exertion and effort from the “right” side of the brain, while extracting energy from the “left” brain.

Since the left hemisphere of the brain is used to perform practical tasks, you may begin to lose common focus. You then may begin to forget names or phone numbers, or you might misplace things.

What all this means is there are changes in your life that are happening, which are deep and meaningful.

Feelings Of Stress And Anxiousness

This could be because of a job change, starting a new business, or a new relationship. You’re demanding your emotions to respond. Anything new, the brain will respond negatively as a safety measure.

What this means is your brain and your imagination are placed on high alert, that danger might be lurking.

What this can result in is stress and anxiety creeping in, which leads to feelings of restlessness.

Becoming Irritated At Others

If you’re going through positive life changes, then you’re wondering why you feel irritated by those close to you.

The reason is because at times, it’s often those who you care about the most, is the reason why you’re wanting to change.

They may be subconsciously discouraging you to make these changes, because they don’t want to lose you.

This can result in subtle resentment to surface.


You Feel Alone And Scared

Once you begin to feel lost during the midst of making life altering changes, this uncertainty doesn’t mean you’re doing the wrong thing, or going down the wrong path.

What you’re dealing with are new unknown experiences, new emotions and eventually a new reality. That’s a lot of emotions to deal with.

You then might no longer know what’s right or wrong, to the point you lose sense of what you’re feeling.

Wanting To Spend More “Alone” Time

What many begin is to introspect and analyze what they’re doing, to make sure they’re doing the right thing at the right time.

This occurs while making life altering changes, and taking the proper action steps to grow and get better.

You’re spending a lot of emotional energy making these changes, leaving very little for human interaction, while experiencing uncertainty.

You may have the need to spend more time to recuperate by meditating, doing yoga, writing in a journal, all to remain grounded.

Questioning Your Relationships

Once you begin to make changes, what you’re doing is essentially questioning your entire life and how you choose to live it. You’re on the edge of your comfort zone and ready to move on.

This includes all of your relationships with everyone you know, wondering if they belong in your life or not. You wonder if they’re positive healthy influences.

Your new “self” needs to readjust. You need to decide to renew these old friendships, or let go of those that are no longer sustainable.

Change is difficult and moving on can be hard, so feeling uncomfortable is a sign you’re on the right track.

Feelings Of Loss

No change or growth can happen without losing something. At times, the loss is tangible such as ending a relationship, or quitting that dead end job.

Others are intangible such as losing that bad habit or poor behaviour. Regardless you feel a sense of loss.

Although you know making change is the best for you in the long run, it feels sad in the short-term.

Uncertain Of The Future

Anything that’s unknown such as the future, creates uncertainty. What you did was take something that was a known, whether good or bad, and decided to make changes, turning it into an unknown.

You have no idea where this new change, this new path will lead you. Yet you’re sitting on the ledge and ready to jump in.

This makes the future become a scary place. So if you’re feeling doubt, then that’s perfectly normal.

Wanting Things The Same

Familiarity breeds content, which is one of the most comforting human emotions that exists. Even if the familiarity is negative, it can feel better than making positive changes.

There will be times when you want things to go back to the way they were.

Once things become complex or uncertain, it becomes perfectly normal to regress backwards to past comforts and people.

Have Intense Dreams

Having intense dreams which can be negative, is the cumulative results of developing new life experiences and new emotions. This creates internal and external conflicts in the mind.

This is your subconscious mind telling you, it’s attempting to decipher and work out all the changes you’ve made, while you’re sleeping.

Cutting Off Close Relationships

Emotionally, as you make life altering changes, you might begin doubting your ability to give all your close relationships, especially if romantic, the time it deserves.

You may feel they deserve more, or you want more yourself, as things no longer fit into the changes you’re making.

What becomes important is not making impulsive decisions during this time.

What uncomfortable negative feelings are is a sign you’re making changes in your life.

It’s your minds way, once you feel uncomfortable or wanting to be alone, is acknowledging you’re altering the direction of your life.

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