How To Mind Your Business By Developing Personal Interests

So your life is dull, it has halted to a standstill. You’re landlocked in a boring marriage or relationship that has become a roadblock, where there’s no way to escape. You’ve become disappointed with your life, one that once appeared so promising.

You’ve given up on attempting to create a life of your own. You have no hobbies, no friends, your life is a blank slate.

You’ve become bitter, you’re angry because of the freedom or success others seem to be experiencing. As a result you constantly meddle in their …

The Need To Overcome Personal Difficulties To Be Successful

We as humans all face similar life difficulties. What it comes down to is how effectively we solve them. If someone has self defeating issues, it will hold them back, as they’re not able to adapt to the external world, until they’re overcome. It’s thought with diligence, these self defeating issues can be eliminated.

For those who are already successful, it’s their confidence in the face of similar hardships, they’re able to defeat.

They’re driven by the attitude of overcoming these obstacles, which deters those who are less confident. They …

How To Make Your Creative Writing Flow Like Streams Of Water

What makes a certain string of words flow in unison, sing in tune like a Sunday morning choir. Some writers or hacks like me, claim to follow a dedicated and particular writing ritual to protocol. Others will swig a glass of wine, chug the coffee, or go for a 10k run.

What they’re able to do is allow their mind to vibrate thoughts into words, and then transmit them through their fingers onto the keyboard. The words become translucent like oil separates water.

For those who are the most successful, …

How Judgment And Discrimination Holds Back Our Growth

What we tend to do is prejudge others, to categorize certain people we don’t even know. We’ll form a belief or an opinion before it even happens, without any rational reasoning or factual proof. We assume certain things to transpire, which creates false positives.

We become prejudiced of certain things, events, and especially people, as we generalize humans based on their race, religion, or gender.

These stereotypical notions are usually ingrained in us when young, usually from our parents, as we typecast certain groups of people.

There are other prejudices …

Why There Is No Secret To Success Other Than Taking Action

We’ve all heard of the “The Secret.” What is the secret they reveal, well, there isn’t one. There are numerous books about it, the groundwork based on the Law of Attraction. Basically, what you do is focus on what you want, set your intention to get it, then the universe has no other choice but to comply.

This reasoning falls a bit short however, slightly misses the mark. Success is based more on being persistent and consistent, and not on mystical powers.

What’s agreed upon is what you focus on …