The Four Motivational Triggers Which Will Help You Succeed

What makes us humans distinctive as a species is we’re all different from one other, our DNA stamp is one in a billion unique. We’re different in how we look as well as our various perspectives. We all have our own different skill sets, different strengths and weaknesses, goals, interests, and motivation.

If you’re wanting to become successful, there’s one identifiable component however, which every high octane individual will say is the key, and that’s motivation.

Motivation isn’t an easy thing for someone to acquire, which as a result has …

The Process Of Making Changes In Your Life Before Success

When you’re preparing yourself for positive change, make sure you keep track of how you self-talk to yourself. Never talk down to yourself, such as, “Well, I am going to blow it again.” Thoughts and attitudes are where change begins. What thoughts have is the power to control your destiny.

Understand your thoughts control your emotions, and your emotions control your actions. What you concentrate on the most, is what happens.

If your thoughts happen to focus on failure, then that’s the self-fulfilling prophecy you’ll get.

So decide to consciously …

What Are The Characteristics Of An Introverted Personality

We’re conditioned to be outgoing to be cool, that being brash will make you more popular. So most won’t admit they may be an introvert. This because of the perception of what being an introvert carries, that they’re too shy, a bit aloof, and they don’t like people that much.

But realize introverts just express more from the inside out, rather than blurting out spontaneously reacting to the environment. Introverts are warm loving caring people who are empathetic first.

Yet the stigma exists being an introvert are those who are …

The Need To Alter Your Life To Adapt To Our Vulnerable World

The world we know may be reaching a crisis point. Although our social structures are still intact, it may not be for long, so what we need is to make major alterations on how we live our daily lives. It’s a wake up call, a loud blaring alert, that we need to take more responsibility of our world.

This awakening is already active, as many have decided to take action. What the most frequent questions asked are, what can I do, how can I contribute?

What most are realizing is, …

Welcome To The Darkside It’s Time To Reveal The Spooky

For those living a nontheist lifestyle, what exists on the celebration schedule is this spooky time of year. A festival where there’s thoughts of powerful love spells and potions, while esoteric energy influences them. They’re instantly drawn to the unknown, the mystical, the magical spells and lotions.

It’s believed there’s an underground war that’s been waged for 1000’s of years, a battle between good and evil. An eternal tug-o-war of immorality.

This time of year traditionally represents the flushing out of unwanted spirits, a spiritual cleansing. It’s a celebration of …