Everything in life is energy, where it’s better getting more with less. So what we need is to take inventory of our own energy levels, how drained out we feel at the end of the day. Feeling low energy, provided that your in good health, can be a product of the mind.
So how is your energy right now. Did you have a late night because of a big project at the office, or felt a little under the weather, so your mental resources are low. Consider your general energy level over the past month, did you feel energetic or the blahs.
Our energy level is the vital meter when it comes to our well-being and better engagement. Being chronically exhausted can be signs of a burnout. What’s known is that just over 12% percent of working adults, declared that they had high energy.
Building Sustainable Energy
What needs to be established is a baseline, a tipping point, a level where you the productive person becomes disengaged, and then experiences a lack of overall energy.
So until certain standards become fixed, moderated, or at the very least acknowledged, what needs to be built are creating levels of sustainable well-being.
Work That Is Meaningful
A known method to keep energy levels high in the workplace, by recruiting and retaining employees, is by providing work that is meaningful, which inspires them with a sense of purpose.
To facilitate this, it’s found that companies need to direct more emphasis on the end user, this because there are plenty of mundane or anxiety laden jobs in the economy.
Positions such as a telemarketing call-center for instance, where the employees for the entire day are tasked to cold calling complete strangers to sell them a service, or ask for money such as a charitable donation.
This is tedious work which prompts great motivation, this to pick up the phone, as the fear of rejection talking to complete strangers sets in.
So what’s needed are success stories and testimonials of peer employees who accelerated at the art of telephone cold calling, or by offering employees daily cash bonuses for those who are successful.
The energy level should then elevate, as there’s a dangling carrot, believing that they can be the one, have the impact which raises morale, and their weekly revenue as a result should increase.
Know Your Strengths And Interests
How many actually get to do what they like doing the best. Those in professions, such as lawyers or salesmen etc., often leave their true personalities at home, and show up to work as how their specific occupation projects.
So if their strongest strengths are gratitude and kindness, then it’s no wonder that they often feel completely drained and unenthusiastic at the end of the day. They don’t love what they’re doing.
Research shows that for those who uses their personality strengths consistently at work, are happier and more confident, experiencing better development with less stress.
Accomplish More By Working Less
For many, getting more done by working less isn’t even remotely possible in their current workplace, where the managers continue to think the longer and harder you work, the more success you’ll have.
Research has shown however, that scheduling time off for downtime, this rather than working yet longer hours, actually increases work productivity and personal energy.
It’s been concluded that for industrial or repetitive labor intensive jobs, such as factory workers, productivity dramatically declines after eight hours of work a day.
For technical or knowledge workers, productivity will drop after six hours of dedicated work. So putting in more hours doesn’t automatically lead towards more productivity, but usually counteracts it.
Realize Stress Can Be Good
We all face stress, this in everything that we do from the moment we wake up. The day isn’t going great, the toast burns, you spill your coffee, we experience various degrees of angst.
What the stress “mindset” projects is if your thoughts regarding whether the particular stress that you’re currently experiencing, has positive or negative consequences.
The type of mindset that you adopt regarding stress, this either if it’s motivating or deliberating, does is it influences the psychological and behavioral outcomes.
What’s known for certain is that chronic stress isn’t good for our health, while moderate levels of it can actually impact it in positive ways, such as helping in physical recovery or increasing motivation.
For those who think that stress can help them, are more likely to seek feedback, while actually generating more energy because of this stress, by managing more adaptive cortisol profiles.
Your Health Comes Before Anything Else
This isn’t new advice by any means, but what’s usually found is that practicing common sense doesn’t always translate into common practice.
There are far too many high-achieving individuals who constantly refuses to take better care of their health, which detriments it, as they leave their personal wellness off their daily “to-do” lists.
What most will do is harm their own health in the favor of others, or their work, which only invites illness, at times becoming chronic.
Get Adequate Sleep
Some experts will claim that getting four hours of sleep at night like some do, has the same detrimental impairment levels as drinking a six-pack of beer in one sitting.
Even after some are told of the dangers which exists because of a lack of sleep, most stubbornly state with pride, that they’ve conditioned themselves to function on six hours of sleep a night.
So what needs to be altered is that one’s self-care and personal welfare is a vital component of ones well-being, and not the first thing to eliminate when it comes to our already busy lives.