How You Deal With Stress Depends On Your Personality Type

What your personality type reveals, is how you deal with the daily stresses of life. There are some who are able to cope with excessive levels of stress, while others would find it crippling. How we react to stress are part genetics, and the lessons we’ve learned throughout our lives.

What’s for certain, is everyone experiences stress. What it depends on is the degree of stress you are able to handle, before negative health symptoms set in.

The key becomes being able to deal well under pressure, with a variety of stressful situations. There is eventually a tipping point however, and a reaction.

The moment we wake up, we experience stress, and it can build up or dissipate. Stress can accumulate similar to a bucket of water that begins to overflow, and something needs to be done.

What we need is to manage our stress levels, by knowing how full the bucket is. Do we need to let some of the water out so it won’t overflow, regardless of what your personality type is.

To Relieve The Pressure

Knowing how to “tap” into and relieving the pressure becomes key. There are a variety of ways to reduce stress, and the best way you can do so, is being mindful.

Some find attempting to relax, such as meditation is the best way, but it can become too time consuming or lose its effect over time. There are others who find exercising is best for them.

One thing for certain, is we all need to monitor our stress levels, and learn to manage it, as stress related health issues are becoming common, and on the rise.

Where it begins is knowing which of the four personality types you are.

1.) – A Perfectionist Personality

Every detail needs to aligned and perfect. If you make just one little mistake, you want to repeat the entire process over again. What you don’t like is your routine to be disrupted.

You get upset if someone doesn’t do their job properly, while usually ending up doing it yourself, yelling, “You can’t find good help these days,” which just increases your work and stress load.

You can’t let things go unless something’s done to your satisfaction, regardless of how long it takes. What you demand is everything to be at your high perfection standards.

What you’re doing is creating your own stress, by being too hard on yourself.

Your need to be more realistic, realize life isn’t perfect, and learn to forgive yourself. Learn to take breaks and relax.

2.) – A “Stimulus” Personality

What you constantly take are risks, become easily bored and dislike routine. You’re constantly starting new projects as you’re full of ideas, but rarely finish them.

You find attention to detail a waste of time, so opposite of the “perfection” personality. What you have having difficulty with is maintaining steady relationships.


You thrive on fear and invite danger, such as skydiving, driving past the speed limit, climbing mountains. Some may have a short attention span, as the brain is constantly thinking what to do next.

What you do is party too hard, may always not eat properly. You thrive on participating in high demand sports and thrills, to burn off tension.

3.) – The Anxious Personality

What you think is others are constantly taking advantage of you. You’ll easily get upset with small disagreements, while saying “sorry” far too often, even if it’s not your fault.

Making any type of change makes you nervous, although you know it may be in your best interest. What you do is bottle up your anger while not realizing it.

You have a difficult time saying “No,” because of the fear of not being liked by others. What you think of is the worst possible scenario.

Those who are this personality type, suffers from poor self-esteem issues. You spend your time avoiding risk, as you miss out living an active life.

What you often do are things which aren’t demanding enough, and then become frustrated or bored.

Although relaxation such as yoga or meditation can be helpful, what you also need is to built up your confidence and self-esteem.

What improving your image has proven to do is wonders to increase self-worth, which can become life altering.

4.) – The Ambitious Personality

You’re completely driven and dedicated to any task you begin. You like to finish everything you start.

You’re always on the go, and believe relaxing is a complete waste of time. What you often do, is dream about the work day ahead.

You think working is more important than having a social life, as you find yourself multi-tasking often, while working long hours.

If others get in your way or slow you down somehow, you’ get upset at them, as you feel there’s an urgency in every task you do, and there’s never enough time.

It becomes important others see you succeed or are constantly working hard, which fortifies your ego.

You’re usually more stressed than the other personality types, while being the least prepared to do anything about it.

What you do is deny you’re stressed out, and keep on going forward until your health fails, which then forces you to slow down.

You are power hungry, and will often become aggressive once crossed, as you always need to be in control.

Your Personality Assessment

You can be one type of personality, but are usually a combination of a few. Once you realize which trait you are, you should find better balance and harmony in your life.

What needs to be noted is all these personality types are driven by fear. What fear results in is stress. What’s for certain, is you need to reduce stress in your life.

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