How To Respond To Those Who Don’t Like You Very Much

Liking and being liked can be a two way street. For most, there’s mutual like and respect for one other. There’s chemistry where like minded people can become friends. But what if someone doesn’t like you, such as a relative. Does that concern you, do you even care. It comes down to how you react.

You put your personality out there on a daily basis, reach out to others and display your character, but nothing. Some just don’t want anything to do with you.

They don’t want to be your …

How To Refine Conversation In The Company Of Others

One of the ultimate goals for which a human exists, is to socially excel in the company of others. To talk and be talked about fluently and fluidly. Conversation is what makes you distinct, this in the drawing room and centre stage at the scene of your party.

When in the company of those you prefer, whomever you meet all should be treated with equal respect.

It’s those who has similar interests, having something in common, which dictates attraction towards one other, which magnetizes varying degrees of attention.

It’s considered …

How To Make New Friends And Be Respected By Everyone

Not minding your own business, is one of the most annoying human conditions. What we have is an insatiable hunger for wanting to know what others are doing or thinking. To delve in their secrets, to extract their deepest most sacred of their feelings.

Instead of improving our own life, we become nosy in the lives of others, which satisfies a deep yearning. Curiosity killed the cat, they say.

What some will do is begin “chatting” it up with compete strangers while waiting at the doctors office, while in the …

Better Ways To Fit In With People In Our Social Group

The ability to stand up or stand out in a crowd, in some cases becomes important for success, when it comes to a job or making a point. Uniqueness, individuality, being your own person, becomes a quality many strive for in life. Especially to gain popularity or recognition, highlighting personification.

Then there are times when you need to conform, to fit in with everyone else, as doing so becomes beneficial to help you achieve your goals.

You may of been invited by a friend or relative to an unfamiliar family …

What Socially Active Popular People Do Differently

being socially acceptedWhat most want is to be popular, as we’re inherently socially bred animals, that we want to be accepted by our particular peer group of friends. So why are there some who are more popular than others, while others will just fade in the comfort of their shadows.

There are some who are just naturally outbound, the extremely gregarious types who find they have a knack to be constantly socially connected, this without any effort involved. People near and far are attracted to them, as there’s a sense of connection …