What It Takes To Be A Real Man In Today’s Modern World

Since the days of the Industrial Age and cowboys, what men have lacked are the proper male role models. Instead, they’re pampered with office jobs, become mommy boys, their hands have become soft, their belly’s plump, their manhood coming into question.

Most have all become the proverbial “yes man” to the corporate world, lacking a backbone. They slither and whine about with no morals, with an intent to gossip.

The modern man of today has succumb to become bullies, wimps, or nerds, while not standing up for themselves.

What happened …

How People Mark Their Territory To Claim Personal Space

What we instinctively do is mark our personal territory much like a dog would, once we’re in the presence of others. This at work, home, or on the subway. This space acts as an invisible shield, offers protection, setting a warning signal to someone if they’re too close.

Those of influence or someone who is beautiful, like politicians or movie stars, when they walk into a crowd, appears to have the ability to seemingly make more space for themselves.

So it appears the higher the status the individual is in …

Why There Is No Secret To Success Other Than Taking Action

We’ve all heard of the “The Secret.” What is the secret they reveal, well, there isn’t one. There are numerous books about it, the groundwork based on the Law of Attraction. Basically, what you do is focus on what you want, set your intention to get it, then the universe has no other choice but to comply.

This reasoning falls a bit short however, slightly misses the mark. Success is based more on being persistent and consistent, and not on mystical powers.

What’s agreed upon is what you focus on …

There Are No Other Narcissists More Important Than Me

Me, myself and I, is the most important party of 3 I’ll ever know and attend. No one else matters, no one comes close. You’re wanting to join Narcissist’s Anonymous, but you’re afraid there’s others in the room who may think they’re more important than you.

To identify the narcissists among us, where to begin is by defining the personality traits of what one is.

Are you able to sustain yourself in a steady and positive emotional state, and not suddenly get angry, experience bouts of depression, get anxiety attacks, …

How To Use The Power Of The Body To Strengthen Your Mind

It’s been known for thousands of years that physical disciplines such as Tai-Chi and yoga, have proven to increase our mental and spiritual powers. So how can we apply these same practices to enhance our modern day lives as parents, business professionals, athletes, or artists.

What we first need is to remove that certain mysticism about these activities before adoption.

Not that they don’t have any esoteric aspects, but rather we need to approach them on a more realistic level and a clearer mind.

It’s been said the taller the …