The Mind Tricks Your Brain Plays When It Comes To Memory

What we try is to convince ourselves we can remember certain events at will. We then attempt to recall every detail and hope it’ll instantly appear in our consciousness. What’s known for certain is major events such as our wedding can be recalled, anything beyond that is questionable.

Often, we’ll argue with someone about a past event you’ve shared with them. You’re both absolutely convinced your recollection is right and the other is wrong.

We like to believe our memory is precise, intact, reliable, stable, preserved and waiting for us …

10 Proven Ways On How To Improve Your Personality

Other than how we look, it’s our refined personality that sets us apart, which affects how well we’re received and treated in life by others. We generally can’t afford to extensively alter our appearance, so it comes down to how we communicate with people.

This includes how we live, the way we talk and walk, which makes up our personality. It’s our personality that influences our relationships with our friends and family.

However, refining our character is a constant work in progress. There are a variety of known habits you …

It’s Your Choice To Self Empower Your Life For The Better

Once we want to improve our life, we instinctively look for external help. We look for self-help guides or mentors because they know better than us, right? What we envision in our minds is what our ideal life should be like, but we think we need help to get there.

Once we formulate who we want to become, we go out and research how we can get there to become that person.

The only problem with this is what we’re giving up. What we’re giving away is our personal empowerment …

The 5 Personalities Types Of Alpha Males And How They React

It’s the females prerogative to select the biggest, brightest, the smartest from a crowd of men, and is done so on instinct. They’re naturally drawn to the best selection of male that’s available to them at that time. So the runts of the litter are sent to the back of the line.

As with anything else in nature, and the human species is no different, this is the first tendency when it comes to the selection process. When it comes to finding potential mates.

It’s determined by a subconscious physiological …

Can Precognition Really Allow Us To Predict The Future

Do you believe you have the gift of being able to predict the future of events. Acquiring and using this particular skill can obviously reap great benefits in your life. Just think of the possibilities of how this could improve your financial security, for instance.

You could day trade the S&P 500 first thing in the morning, for the remainder of the month, and be more accurate than the technical traders and the financial gurus out there.

You could pick the lottery numbers for that $10M prize a hour before …