How To Eliminate Your Dark Passenger That Is Self Criticism

Look at you on Facebook, you look so happy as you blare out countless posts of your gratifying life. How complete you are, yet that glossy eyed look in your latest selfie reveals a desperation of seeking attention, as you silently shout out for help. It’s the void of insecurity that’s most noticeable.

What’s revealed is your deep dark passenger that’s haunting your aura, as you constantly need assurance from others, because of your core belief you’re not good enough.

For many, this inner critic is so deeply ingrained within …

How To Remove The Dark Passenger That Is Your Inner Critic

Yes, it’s all about you, the serial poster on Facebook and Twitter. You look extremely happy and full of yourself in your selfies, as you blare out countless posts about your gratifying fulfilled life. You cry how happy you are as a hip citizen of the earth.

But what that glossy eyed look and smile on your face of your latest photo reveals, is a desperation of seeking attention, as you silently shout out for help.

It’s the cry of insecurity, that’s most noticeable. What’s revealed is your deep dark …

Why You Need To Rid Of Your Bad Habits Before Moving Forward

lose all your negativesWe all live in our own bubble, so there’s a lot that goes into focusing and redirecting on our strengths. It’s survival of the fittest in the concrete jungle, and what will ultimately set you apart is standing out, standing apart in the competitive environment that we live in.

The idea that you should be playing to your strengths while ignoring your weaknesses however, can prove to be detrimental, this when attempting to reach your potential. What you first need is to place all of your qualities on the table …