Are You Too Sensitive To What Others Think Of You

Do you become hurt to what others think or say about you, rather than standing by your own opinions. As a result you live a dysfunctional life, not feeding yourself all the mental nutrients you deserve. You become too conscious on what others say, which plummets your self-esteem and go into sulk mode.

The trademark of someone who’s too sensitive is they sense, feel, and will react on what others are saying, while putting their own needs on the backburner.

Those who are overly sensitive will filter their existence through …

Why Drinking Not Enough Water Is Bad For Your Health

What the warmer weather does is it absorbs fluid out of our body, even without we knowing or realizing. The best cure for this is replacing adequate amounts back into our body, by drinking clean crisp pure water. The issue however, is most will avoid doing so, or will drink alternate tastier fluids.

The reason being most think fluid is fluid. But what most beverages contain are detrimental ingredients which doesn’t do your health any favours.

The young and the elderly are especially susceptible to this. Children will drink too …

How To Become More Intuitive By Learning To Pick Up Vibes

We’ve all had that eerie feeling when we suddenly get a hunch something is about to happen. And not really to our surprise, that feeling translates into reality. Once we feel certain about something without any logical basis, it’s known as intuition. It also comes in several distinct impressions.

It’s often referred to as the “third eye” or clairvoyance, which involves clearly sensing and feeling a certain event is about to occur.

Clairvoyance is usually a mystical response when our third eye or true field of vision, goes beyond what …

Warning Signs If Someone Is Trying To Manipulate You

Being manipulated can be described as an action of undue influence, an attempted slight of hand subjective deception. This through mental distortion along with emotional exploitation, if the other person is naive, unaware or ignoring.

The intention of the perpetrator is seizing control or power, gaining benefits or privileges, at the victims expense.

Know the difference between strict manipulation, and common social influence from intentional complicity.

Social influence, is common for those personal interactions at work, home, or among friends.

Psychological manipulation, is used to gain some type of benefit …

What Are We Doing Here At This Time And Place On This Earth

So there you are, wondering in your sober stupor sipping java wondering what the purpose and existence of your life, or life in general for that matter means. Is there really a higher power such as a God, and if there is, why are there so many. There’s one to suit every belief.

What on earth are we doing here at this exact period of time on this planet, at this location we live in, during this particular era of history.

Among all these life questions you ponder as you …