Look at these sad souls putting on a happy face. The ravages of working a career, the strain of remaining in a relationship just for the sake on staying, takes …
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Is It Possible To Find Your True Soulmate In This Lifetime
It’s been said there’s always a chemical combustion, a connection some feel when meeting someone new. The matching of two souls crossing paths in life, which connects on a cellular …
The Course To Heal The Pain Of Your Inherent Suffering
The path needed to begin healing yourself, comes down to a personal choice you truly want. A road where you choose to start piecing yourself together, collecting the scattered fragments …
How Our Life Purpose Has Been Reduced To Social Media Likes
Self-esteem and worthiness has now gone digital. Many will post what they think is a brilliant image, update, video, selfie, or a share, then hold their breath in anticipation hoping …
How To Transform The Daily Ritual Of Life Into Freedom
The protocol goes something like this. We go to school, get the best education we can, which translates into getting the highest paying job. We then exert sweat equity after …
The Need To Learn How To Relax And Let It All Hang Out
Take a look outside all you life worshippers and fun seekers, it’s about time to celebrate. Just let the inhibition down and the anxiety should begin to dissipate. But lately, …
Are Those Who Are Alpha People More Successful In Life
What the media constantly portrays is the classic alpha model. Be big or go home, the king of the world, leader of the pack. Popular culture dictates alpha people are …
How To Mind Your Business By Developing Personal Interests
So your life is dull, it has halted to a standstill. You’re landlocked in a boring marriage or relationship that has become a roadblock, where there’s no way to escape. …
How Judgment And Discrimination Holds Back Our Growth
What we tend to do is prejudge others, to categorize certain people we don’t even know. We’ll form a belief or an opinion before it even happens, without any rational …
How To Overcome Social Anxiety In An Uptight World
Someone just looks at you wrong, different, that slightest glare, their tone of voice, the smallest gesture can set you off in a tailspin of insecurity. This can produce self-deliberating …
There Are No Other Narcissists More Important Than Me
Me, myself and I, is the most important party of 3 I’ll ever know and attend. No one else matters, no one comes close. You’re wanting to join Narcissist’s Anonymous, …
How To Capture The Sensation Of Always Being In The Flow
There are those cherished moments in our lives when time appears to stand still, and everything just flows. These are the moments where there’s no resistance, where there’s no struggle …