Successfully Launching Your New Product Service or Website

productlaunchThere are now millions upon millions of websites out there, the majority of them collecting virtual dust, and thousands of proclaimed gurus, internet marketing experts and businesses, that will attempt to show you how to succeed at website design, promotion and SEO.

There are only a few however, that will offer genuine details on how your new website or Internet business launch will not blunder and fail miserably when launching. Over the years, there has been thousands of companies attempting to launch, with the majority of them failing. There has also been some tremendous successes, and obviously that’s the path you want to follow.

The experiences that are gained should hone one’s ability to differentiate between the potential future winners from the bad obvious losers. The following is a compiled list of the reasons, as well as the traits that may be detrimental to your next website or product launch success.

3 Steps To Launch Your Product

Developing Customer Testimonials:
Whether you’re developing software applications, creating Web destinations, or selling services and/or products on the Internet, the visitors turning into customers, including clients and users, will always be the engine that drives your revenue growth, resulting in ultimate success.

So if you are ready to launch big time, you will need verified, real unbiased customer testimonials regarding your product or service. Having a stable database of satisfied users prior to your launch, will offer qualified input on your product, and will give you an excellent head-start on gaining new customers, as well as brand awareness.

Getting Street Cred:
Even if your product or service launch is months down the road, it should be a priority that you establish your online reputation in the proper circles. For example, say you are in the final product development phase of a brand new innovative software application. If you have spent the proper time building up some testimonials and followers, then your claims and statements are going to be a lot more respected and trusted.

When you do launch, the job of building user trust in your new product will be a lot easier, as you have already built up and established credibility. To earn this street credibility, create your own blog on the product and promote it. Give away free samples or copies for review purposes. Offer usable advice and expertise when someone buys your product, and find a dedicated following.

Go Viral:
In this new age of ‘peer to peer’ sharing and social media, there’s absolutely no excuse for businesses not to have a social Web presence. Give your users a valid reason to voluntarily spread to others something that they like or appreciate.

The benefit of doing this is that it will dramatically increase the potential of your product or service success, by it going viral. Something that will prove extremely valuable during your launch as it is free advertising. It is not that uncommon for users, as well as the media, to simply just ignore something until it can’t be ignored any longer; this will happen if it becomes too “big” not to consider your product or service. So use viral sharing components, such as Facebook Fan Pages, share buttons on your blog posts, twitter etc., before and during the launch of your product. This will ensure real optimal response.

Going viral just doesn’t stop at going social or sharing. Setting up an affiliate, joint venture or partner program will provide a needed boost. The best and sharpest of your promoters should hopefully get excited enough for them to promote your product on your behalf. So build a secondary tier partnership program, and you will gain street credibility.

New product, service or Website launches can always be a bit tense. But if you are customer focused, and create an environment where your users are valued and appreciated, will gain you a lot of credibility that you’ll be able to leverage in the future. Allowing the entire Web as a whole, the opportunity to share as well as extend your products brand message are pretty much basic, but they are the key steps in launching success.

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