Learning To Control Just The Things You Can In Life

We’re just this one singular entity, a speck, just another “number” in this massive world we live in. We can somewhat control our lives, our destiny, such as our health, what we eat or how we behave. But beyond that, most external things are out of our hands, and we can’t do much about it.

This becomes apparent as young children, as from birth, we’re told how to act, what type of clothes to wear, to mind our manners.

What we’re taught in school is curriculum education, learning about ourselves, …

Ways To Relax Your Beating Heart By Going With The Flow

The sensation of the slowing down of time while the world around us appears to be speeding up, is known as the flow state. This state of mind, is when the illusion of time and space appears to hypnotically come to a standstill. This is the mindset you want to reach when it comes to peak performance.

What it equates to is the ability of being able to harness the limits of your creativity, intelligence, and talents, all while captivating and remaining in this state of flow under times of …

The Need To Relax Unwind And Let It All Hang Out

Take a look outside all you life worshipers and fun seekers, it’s finally time to celebrate. A time where inhibitions and the anxiety begins to thin out. But then, why do people remain so aloof. Is it because of the guilty pleasure of bathing your skin at the beach and just chilling out.

We live in a society that’s terrified with fright, the fear of diseases and infections, the list is endless.

But it’s time to relax, as life is a risk filled with chance, while fate steers our lives. …

Thank Heavens Summer Is Here It’s Time To Relax And Unwind

enjoy the sunTake a look outside all you sun worshipers and fun seekers, it’s summer, a time where inhibitions and the clothing thins out. But then why do people remain so anxious. Is it because of the guilty pleasure of bathing your skin at the beach, just chilling out.

We live in a society that’s terrified with fright, the fear of diseases or infections, the list is endless. But it’s summer, life is a risk filled with chance, while fate steers our lives. So relax, get groovy, get down and get back …

How Slowing Down The Pace Of Life Can Improve Your Health

how to slowdown and enjoy your life moreOne of the most obvious displays of Stress and Anxiety is when waiting for the elevator, you frantically begin pushing the already lit “UP or DOWN” button in the hopes that it will arrive sooner, we’ve all done it.

Like most in the civilized world, we live in a faster is better culture, where fast food at the mall is becoming the norm rather than a wholesome home cooked meal.

We begin to fidget with our smartphones while at the grocery checkout line, and go in complete panic mode if …